Communication in today’s world is very important. Today’s inspiring and successful leaders are the ones who can communicate effectively. Whether it’s sharing, discussing and agreeing ideas in a group, giving a presentation to a group of people or talking one-to-one with an adult, all children need to learn the relevant skills to help them.
As they get older, they may be required to take on leadership roles and, again, the ability to be able to communicate successfully and confidently will stand them in good stead. They also need to learn to work collaboratively which includes listening to others, discussing outcomes and developing good strategies to overcome problems. In addition, they also build up other good leadership skills – target-setting, planning and problem-solving.
The Junior Leadership Programme helps young people develop all of these skills by participating in a wide-range of activities.
The Programme
The Junior Leadership Programme is for children aged 9-13 and comprises two levels – Leader
and Advanced Leader
- with certificates at each level.
Leader Age 9-11 (Years 5/6 in UK Schools) 12 sessions
Advanced Leader
Age 11-13 (Years 7/8 in UK Schools) 16 sessions
We would anticipate each session lasting approximately one hour and would include either the planning and preparation of your chosen activity or participation in the activity.
Complete at least one activity from Steps 1-4
Be involved in the activities for at least 12 sessions
Advanced Leader
Complete at least two activities from Steps 1-4
Be involved in the activities for at least 16 sessions
Activities and Responsibilities
For both levels you will need to produce evidence of completing each activity:
Complete a check list for each activity which both you and your adult leader will complete. (Sheets provided)
Produce evidence of completion for each activity – this could be a video of a presentation, written evidence, photographs etc. Your planning sheets can also be used to show progression for each activity.
Produce an evaluation of each activity (Sheets provided).
Organising Your Junior Leadership Programme
You might like to organise your work in a folder so you can keep everything together as you complete each activity.
We suggest you use file dividers to separate each section of the programme:
- Leadership Skill Building
- Being Part of a Team
- Presentation
- Creative Thinking
Why don’t you design a front cover for your folder? This could include word art, pictures relating to your proposed activities or your own drawings.
You could use clear plastic wallets at the back for any notes or things you have collected.
To sign up for this programme, please click
here .